Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Well, I did it!! Graduated from College with my Bachelors!

Lots of evenings and weekends away from family, friends and my neglected yard in order for me to reach my goal, but I did it.

I could not have done it without the on-going support of several people.

Christi and Brenda who paved the way before me….the hours of conversation that Christi and I had about street smarts vs. book smarts and the differences and similarities.

My sister Kelly who supported me when I called to say I just couldn’t get together, or that I needed peace and quiet. She often called to check and see if I had done my homework.

I have to say I did not enjoy sitting at home most weekends, while family and friends enjoyed each other…but the work was so worth it in the end.

I don’t know how to thank Heather…my sounding board, my conscious and my constant encourager. I would call when I thought I had reached my limit and she would listen to me and then help support me in getting re-focused…thank you so much for being my cheerleader!

It was a tough journey, with 12-18 credits per term average...usually closer to 18...But it was worth every step of the way...

What's Next? - Probably an MBA with a focus on Organizational Development....maybe starting as soon as January...but at a little more reasonable pace. Feels so good have achieved another lifetime goal.

More to follow over the next few days on my life in Italy!